HTTP Response Status Codes

HTTP response status codes can be categorized as follows: Informational It ranges from 100 – 199 and is a provisional response. Eg: 100 – continue, 101 – switching protocols Successful It ranges from 200 – 299 and indicates that the request is successfully processed. Eg: 200 – Ok, 201 – created, 202 – accepted, 204… Continue reading HTTP Response Status Codes

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Vue 3 and Jest Setup

Install/Update vue cli Make sure you have the latest vue cli version. Run the following command to update it. You can do so with yarn as well. Create a new project using vue cli Running the above command will give you some options to select. Choose vue3 and select the defaults. Jest setup You will… Continue reading Vue 3 and Jest Setup

Categorized as Vue

Upgrading React Native App

Since August 2019, all android apps are required to support 64-bit architecture. While upgrading a react app seems a bit daunting at first, it isn’t that hard. Upgrade the React Native version You can follow the official React Native upgrade method to update your React Native application or you can do it manually comparing… Continue reading Upgrading React Native App